Co by sis dal?
What would you like?
Dala byste si kávu?
Would you like a /some coffee?
Dal byste si kousek koláče?
Would you like a piece of cake?
Chtěl bys jít s námi?
Would you like to go/come with us?
Chtěl bys o tom vědět více?
Would you like to know more about it?
Raději bych počkal tady,
I'd prefer to wait here.
To by byla škoda.
That would be a shame/pity.
Možná by to bylo lepší.
Perhaps/Maybe it would be better.
Takhle bych to nedělal.
I wouldn't do it like that.
Jsem si jist, že by jim to nevadilo.
I'm sure they wouldn't mind.
Rozuměla by tomu?
Would she understand it?
Jak byste to přeložil?
How would you translate it?
Myslíš si, že by se mu to líbilo?
Do you think he would like it?
Pomohla byste mi s tím?
Would you help me with it?
Počkal byste chvilku?
Would you wait (for) moment?
What would you like?
Dala byste si kávu?
Would you like a /some coffee?
Dal byste si kousek koláče?
Would you like a piece of cake?
Chtěl bys jít s námi?
Would you like to go/come with us?
Chtěl bys o tom vědět více?
Would you like to know more about it?
Raději bych počkal tady,
I'd prefer to wait here.
To by byla škoda.
That would be a shame/pity.
Možná by to bylo lepší.
Perhaps/Maybe it would be better.
Takhle bych to nedělal.
I wouldn't do it like that.
Jsem si jist, že by jim to nevadilo.
I'm sure they wouldn't mind.
Rozuměla by tomu?
Would she understand it?
Jak byste to přeložil?
How would you translate it?
Myslíš si, že by se mu to líbilo?
Do you think he would like it?
Pomohla byste mi s tím?
Would you help me with it?
Počkal byste chvilku?
Would you wait (for) moment?